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Snowy plays in the courtyard of his house with his neighbor friends and his parents sitting together enjoy their little conversations and games. Mr. Snopes and his wife just have lost in their childhood memories and both of them are cousins and they spent their whole childhood together. They both think that how much their child is lucky that he has blessed with parents because Mrs. Snopes’s parents were killed by someone in her childhood and she spent their whole life in her aunt’s home.

Now, when she became young and she met a person and decided to spent her whole life with him and that’s is Mr. Snopes. Mr. Snopes is such a nice personality that he never hurts her and loves her so much even she just forgets about her past and all those incidents that happened in her past.  As she had to face many problems after the death of her parents and she went to her Aunt’s home and there her Aunt treats her very badly and punished her every time.

But she falls in love with her aunt’s boy Mr. Snopes and for him, she faces her aunt’s every penalty because she never wants to leave that house. So, during her childhood, she faces many hardships but somehow, she becomes able to marry her Aunt’s boy as she does a job in a school as a Teacher and her Aunt decides to be her Daughter-in-law. Finally, this is how she marries Mr. Snopes.

After marriage, Mrs. Snopes’s life becomes very pleasant as she enjoys every moment of her life spend with Mr. Snopes. They both have to wish to have a child that becomes their shadow and they wish to spend their life with that child together. Finally, they have a baby boy and they become so happy and grateful to God for having a child and they named him Snowy.  Basically, Mrs. Snopes has a wish that when his child will be young, she will make him able to stand on his own and try to be a nice and humble person.

Actually, Mrs. Snopes bring him up and nourishes him like a good mother, and take care of him properly. When he became ten years old, his mother receives a call Mr. Snopes has died in a car accident and she cannot bear this news and falls there immediately. Now, Snowy sees her mother on the floor and becomes worried about her condition and calls his neighbors and they come and lay her down on the bed. After some time, she comes into her consciousness and tells them the whole story.

Snowy get influences and thinks every time as this tragic news affects him greatly. However, as he is getting older, his perceptions of his father’s death become deeper. His mother weeps day and night by remembering her childhood that how Mr. Snopes used to protect her in every thick and thin situation. Basically, that child becomes able to pick things up as he also has to face difficulties after his father’s death.

Now, Snowy starts his journey for the proofs of his father’s death and he comes to know that his father died not accidentally but someone has murdered him very badly. When he heard this sad news, his curiosity becomes increase that how someone can kill his father so badly and he returns home and locks him up in the room. Mrs. Snopes knocks on the door constantly but he does not open the door as he is preparing himself for taking revenge for his father’s murder.

The next morning, snowy asks his mother that how he died and asks her is there anyone who is their enemy and wants their whole property. Mrs. Snopes does not tell her at first because she is very conscious about her boy and she knows that he would not spend his life peacefully until he takes revenge for his father’s death. But finally, she tells him about her enemies as Snowy insists on her again and again.

Furthermore, she tells him that there was a man who actually became so jealous when his father started a business of property as that guy wants their whole property and business and that man is his father’s friend named Mr. Chant. She continues to tell him about his father’s friendship with Mr. Chant and tells him how they become enemies when Mr. Chant wants to marry her. After that, when Mr. Snopes come to know about Mr. Chant’s wish, he totally cut off his contact with Mr. Chant. And when Mr. Chant comes to know that his friend is angry with him, he just says sorry to them but he makes plans to trap Mr. Snopes and no one knows his plans.

Moreover, she tells him that when his father started a business, he became the partner with him by being a very loyal friend but his actual attention was to take over all of his property in order to take his revenge. Finally, she tells his boy that Mr. Chant is the one person who is behind this incident. After listening to the whole story behind his father’s death, Snowy becomes more curious to take his father’s revenge and he goes to search for Mr. Chant and through his father’s colleagues he comes to know about Mr. Chant’s family background. Unfortunately, when he comes back home, he finds his mother’s dead body lying on the bed. He just becomes mad and locked himself in the room for many days as he is just making plans and thinks about how he can take revenge for his parent’s loss.

Then, he comes to know that all of his property is under Mr. Chant as he snatched his father’s whole property. That orphan boy after many days plans and makes a trap for Mr. Chant and he starts his own business with that property in New York about which Mr. Chant does not know it. Mr. Chant becomes a partner with Snowy. This is how Snowy traps Mr. Chant as he becomes so innocent and noble in front of him but in heart, he is just filled with anger and revenge.

 Somehow, he becomes able to be a trustworthy person by being a very humble person before Mr. Chant. And Mr. Chant due to the honesty of him gives control over his hand. After many days, Snowy manages to take his all property back from Mr. Chant’s control. When Mr. Chant comes to know that he has nothing left now, as all the property is snatched by Snowy and then, he receives a letter to his home in which Snowy writes all information regarding his parent’s murder. Mr. Chant becomes worried that how someone can know about that incident and after reading the name of Snowy at the end of the letter, he becomes shocked and thinks Mr. Snopes had a child and try to remember him.

After knowing that Snowy is still alive, Mr. Chant locks himself in his house and does not get outside the home. But finally, with the help of one of his servants Katter, Snowy becomes able to kill Mr. Chant in his room as he finally comes in front of Mr. Chant and reveals that whole story and shouts Mr. Chant with the help of his servants. Finally, this is how he just take his revenge on Mr. Chant for his parent's murder and there is no one around Mr. Chant who just protects and helps him.

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