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    Once there was a couple who lived in a village and belonged to a tribal family and their family had been at loggerheads for a generation to generation and were killers of each other's lives, property, and honor. The ego and stubbornness of the family killed many innocent people and his daily fights and bloodshed were having a profound effect. The couple was educated and they were trapped in an ignorant family.

    And his only dream was that I would not let any of my children stay here because like the people here, they did not want to make their son ignorant and they wanted to make him a good man by reading and writing and they wanted him to do something for these ignorant people. When the days went by, they had a son, and they thought that we would move away from here and move to a better city and that we would raise this child so that it would improve our future generations. Coins but it was just their idea but their family was needed a new soldier for their future fights.

    When the boy was four years old, he tried to go to the city, but his family did not allow him to go and forbade him, saying that he would become literate and become someone else in our family. So, he has to become literate. Let him stay here. We have a family problem. If you take him out, someone will kill you. We do not allow you to do that. No need to study and how much land and property is all for him. They do not let him go to the city but somehow, they send their child to the city with someone and also give him to stay with a relative there and they easily insist that he should read and write. Make him a good man so that he literate us and save our next generation from bloodshed.

    When a boy is young, he develops in such a way that he does not seem to belong to a tribal family where animals and human beings are treated equally. Later he gets admission to a university. He falls in love with a girl during his university life and he marries her. When he gets married and takes her back to his village, his family does not her. His parents are educated they accept her but his family and tribe do not accept her because they think that their culture is completely different from ours. They are educated people and they will spread chaos among us.

    Then when they come back to the village, at first, they face a lot of difficulties, but later they get used to living here and know how the people here live, they build schools for the children there. There are many places where they can be taught and save their feature. Their hard work brings color and a cradle of mutual love so that people talk to each other in a good manner and start living, so these things were not acceptable to the elders of the tribe. The elders thought that they were making them soft-hearted and cowardly.

    If the enemy attacked us and fight with us, they would hide behind them and beg for their lives from them. They do not want their children would be bend in enemy feet. But the boy and girl are literate and have good accents so they try very hard to educate their children. So many times, they have to listen to abuses and such things.

    But they stand by their position that they want a better future for their generations and not to be so wrapped up in the blood and to get better and create a better future that will give their children good nurturing. The family was not accepting them but they both tried to do good and improve their generation but it was just their attempt. These people did not want to listen. The family tried a lot to remove them from here.

    The family's people intimidating them and also told that nothing will happen to here for future. We don't want to repeat mistakes. That was a big mistake of our life to let you go there and let you live. How come if these whole generations become like this then we will be begging for our lives and the enemy will dominate us and we will be begging for our lives. Get out of here and let us alone. The family did not listen to one of them and tried to get them out of there and said, "Get out of here rather you will lose your life “. And we don't want to be enslaved again, just as we enslaved the British before.

    Now, we don't want to enslave our own people. We don't want to beg them for our lives again. There is a light of knowledge in both of them and they want you to save future generations from this family bloodshed. In tribal families their enmity and their ego, stubbornness is considered the greatest. They want to not have to bow down to anyone, even if it means sacrificing their lives, wealth, and honor.

    They do not bow their heads because of this they lose a lot of their own. All this is not seen by these tribal families and they have both of them killed and set an example that even if someone is literate in our tribe, he can still do nothing unless we want to because the enmity is dearest to them, so in this way, they kill the both educated girl and boy. And they said: We are the lamp and we are made to burn. There is a wave of ignorance in this tribal family that no parent dares to again educate their child and they always live like animals. This is how they destroy their descendants.

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  1. Such Lvl story bosss kamaal.... 🔥❤️

  2. The title is so good and catches reader's attention

  3. nice sir but select the little word

  4. Sohail Bro it is very interesting story

  5. Intresting keep it up bro

  6. I read new ideology
    By the way very nice

  7. Amazing. Very very nice..
    I appreciate your creativity brother. Well done..💕💖

  8. Hanky's Wishes for the World is such a fun and sweet story."Your stories are amazing!"

  9. Amazing and interesting story 👌🏻 👌🏻 👌🏻 keep it up..

  10. Th title is so good and the perfect story .

  11. Really an amazing story. Well described that how harsh and ignorant people are destroying our society and making their lives hell just because of their so called ego. Great work.... Keep it up ❤

  12. exceeds expectations with the quality of your work. Love you dude

  13. Nice story but your writing skills needed to be improved.

  14. Interesting story...keep it up bro
