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    Once a man named George lived in a village. His parents died when he was of 11 years old. So, with time or age, he began a rude and aggressive nature person. By job he was an executioner. But with lady he loved, named Elsa was very soft, kind, and pretty girl. They loved each other so deeply that they cannot lived without each other. But the issue was that George belonged to lower class and Elsa belonged to upper class. Both knew that when Elsa's father Mr. Darcy will come to know about their love, he'll be furious and will be against their love and this marriage.

    There was another person named Mr. Jack, lived in same village and was very dear friend to Elsa's father, Mr. Jack, wanted to marry Elsa but not showed yet, Mr. Darcy also wanted this, but not exposed yet. One day Jack's worker told him about Elsa and George's love. He became jealous of their love. He just wanted to kill both after hearing about their love.

    On the other hand, in one of Elsa and George’s meeting, both lovers decided to open their love and get married, George decided to send the proposal to her home on Sunday night. He held her hand and said,

    "That will be the memorable day my heart ".

    They were very happy. They knew that her father will be against them. But, they were ready to face everything.

    One day, Mr. Darcy went for hunting with Jack in jungle. During hunting Jack went for a walk and he found a little 11-year-old girl named Anna lost in jungle. She was weeping and begging for the help from Jack. He took her and went back to Mr. Darcy. But suddenly his mind changed. When Mr. Darcy pointed to shoot a bird, Jack gave a push to Anna before Mr. Darcy's hunting gun she died at the spot. Mr. Jack ran from there.

    Now, the decision was made that Mr. Darcy's younger daughter named Elizabeth who was the age fellow of Anna will be hanged on Sunday. Elsa was very sad on that, she loved her sister so, she went to the prison on Sunday morning and requested solider Lorry, who was the friend of George that he replaced her beloved sister with Elsa. So, Lorry secretly replace Elizabeth with Elsa and cover her face. She was sad but also happy that she will be hanged by her own lover, she thought:

    Lucky me, I will be killed by the hands of my own love.

    On the day, when George was going to purpose her, was the day that she will be killed by her love. She thought,

     "Our love is now eternal love"

    On the other hand, George was very happy. He thought that after this hanging ceremony of the random girl, he will go to Elsa's house. Meanwhile Gallows was ready. Solider Lorry took her to gallows at the fixed time. She was hanged by George. When he came to know that he hanged Elsa, He was particularly shocked, He said:

     "What a sin", I did. I don't deserve to live anymore". He went to home and hanged himself too. He left a line written over a paper that,

    "Now, this day will be memorable."

    "OH, MY DEAR ELSA, WHAT YOU DID?"  I am also coming towards you.


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