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Technology has saved humanity and life many times and it has improved the livings of humans as well as conditions and status of countries to a great extent. This technology has a darker shade as well that has an immensely brutal effect on the world as well such as world wars that this mother nature has experienced. One of the worst experiences that this earth has witnessed is the atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki whose radioactive effects are still found in Japan.

It’s just another day, the sun bright as usual, children are off to school and women are busy making home while men are busy with their errands. The waves of the sea look as beautiful as usual and the sky is blue like the sea. All of sudden, fireballs enlightened the sky. All the people were curious to see the ongoing scenario. It was obvious to get curious because mother nature has never seen such a disaster in billions of years. Everyone got silent like the silence before death. There comes a dabbing sensation in the earth and a light appeared that could make anyone blind.

On 6th August 1945, United States dropped a bomb blast on Hiroshima, Japan. It was an atomic bomb blast. There was a Russian woman who saw the whole scenario in front of her. there was blast, radiation, fire, and brutal killing of almost 70 thousand people. Miss Kleria Drago was the survivor of the blast and she experienced the whole scenario with her own eyes. She could feel dead people beneath her feet on each step.

People who were alive had bruises and they were burnt. She went into trauma after seeing the whole city dead within few seconds. She was in her bakery making slices of bread when the light strikes her which was very hot. Suddenly there was a city and then there was a dead city. Her wounds were pale in color and they were so deep. Her rotten flesh was draining blood out of it. She had lost everything. She had seen her beautiful home turning into ashes. She was in trauma because she didn’t know where her kids are.

She was waiting for her kids to come from school. The only child she has was in her lap who was unconscious. She could see other people crying and screaming about their loss of beloved ones. Many parents have lost their children and many children were crying to find their parents. Most of the skyscraper buildings had been dumped in the ground. The buildings that are left were about to fall with broken mirrors. She came across a picture of her family whose frames were broken. The picture was covered with the particle of black ashes that depicted the actual story of falling from heaven to hell. Soon rescue teams and police reached on the spot and started to rescue people.

 These workers were taking the victims to the hospital and transferred wounded patients for first aid. Police and investigation teams reached there as well and the initial investigation started. It felt as if the whole city had died and the rest of the people were walking dead. She was in serious trauma seeing that situation but the only thing in her mind was her two kids who were out for school and her husband outside. She rushed out barefooted to reach her children's school that was on the end of the street. The school building was destructed and she could hear the cries of children from far away. She reached school instantaneously and she asked the faculty about her kids. Many of the faculty members were found dead.

This situation traumatizes her more. She did not know whether her kids are alive or not. The security guards have saved a few of the children who were injured. She readily went there and found one of her kids there. His head was injured and blood was coming out of it also his arm was broken. Her mother finally had a deep breath because at least she found one of her kids. She took her hand and went out to look for the other kid but she found him nowhere. After asking a lot about her kid she came to know many kids were stuck under the fallen roof. So she went towards the ruined to look for her kid and she found his watch there. She was crying with pain that no one could imagine.

Finally, she found her kid under the big piece of ceiling that might have injured him brutally. She used all her power to rescue her kid when she removed the piece of ceiling, she found her kid who was drenched with blood. His eyes were open looking towards her mother but his pupils were not dilating. He was dead. His mother went to shock with a numbed body.

After crying a lot and gaining enough patience, she took him up with the help of the clerk and she rushed towards the hospital she believes that a miracle might happen and her child’s breath could continue but he was no more. The hospital was full of dead bodies and patients who were about to die. She found her husband there who was in ICU but doctors have told her about his recovery. She was in herself in the dilemma of life and death.

The moment has changed her whole life. An explosion has exploded life of all the families. The day has turned into the night. The sky has never much been darkened. Her prayers got her husband back to life but they have lost their one child. Whose space could never be filled? Days went on and on. Many of the injured were recovered and many died but the time demands to be going on. They buried their kid but this has left a great mark on the whole family. The days and night could be like usual but her life could never be the same.

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