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    After I completed college, I was looking for admission to a University. When I was in college, it’s my dream to take admission to the University of Central Punjab.  It is one of the famous universities in our country. I choose my favorite department (BS English) and took admission in UCP. I was so excited and as well nervous also on my first day in university. When I entered university, that feeling in my heart I can’t explain. As my steps were moving forward, my heartbeat was beating faster.

    When it was some time for my class to started, I sat down on the bench and started looking at the university building. A couple of mins later, I saw a guy who was standing on the stairs of the auditorium. At first glance, I was fascinated by the boy's personality. He was tall dark and handsome. He has a beard on his face. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a black jacket with jogger shoes and a bag hanging on his shoulder.

    I thought he was a senior semester student. In the morning, there were fewer students in the university he easily noticed that I am watching him. I forget everything about my class at that time. I had a lot of thoughts going through my mind. I was looking at him and I don't know when he came and stood in front of me. He said “hello” and I was staring at him like an idiot. He said again “hello and I replied to him “hi”. He asked me “can I sit with you” I replied him “yeah sure” He sat with me on the bench.

    We were both quiet and after five to ten min, he asked me “introduce yourself” I introduce myself in front of him. I told him about my name, department, and hobbies. I asked him “which semester student are you?”  He replied that “he is fresher in university”. He also told me about his department. We both have the same department. Both of us had the same class timings. I told him “bye” he replied to me “nice to meet you”.  Both of us move forward to our classes. When I was near my classroom suddenly, I stopped and asked myself in a low voice that I forgot to ask for his name. He has known my name he knows about me.

    And I don’t even ask what is his name huh! How stupid I am. I smile like an idiot, at last, I entered my classroom and sat in my seat. All the students were in the class and after some min, our teacher had come into the class. She started the lecture. A week had passed, during this one week, my life changed a lot. I made new friends. I and my three more friends four have made good understandings in one week. We four became good friends. We became a group of four. We all sat together in class every day.

    We used to have lunch together. In our free time, we all enjoyed ourselves a lot. We are two girls and two boys. We had a very special day.  Their names are Noor Talha and Huraira. Our friendship was very strong. We never left each other alone. Friends were also the blessing of Allah Almighty. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Friendship can improve your life from multiple points of view. Old buddies show you when all is said and done, and challenge you to be better. They urge you to continue to go when challenges turn crazy and praise your victories with you.

    However, companions do significantly more than give you comfort in times of dire need; they additionally positively affect your well-being. Some exploration even says fellowships are similarly as imperative to your prosperity as eating right and working out. Everybody has self-question and frailties once in a while. Be that as it may, having companions who uphold you assume a major part in building your confidence, or the amount you appreciate and love yourself. Steady companions can help you feel more, sure by offering commendation and consolation.

    When you're feeling uncertain. They'll focus light on exactly how stunning you are and the amount you have to bring to the table others. Investing energy with companions can likewise help lessen pressure. As indicated by Harvard Medical School, "social associations help ease levels of pressure, which can hurt the heart's corridors, gut work, insulin guideline, and the resistant framework. Companions can likewise help you adapt to distressing circumstances. As per one little examination.

    When kids spend time with their companions during an unpleasant circumstance, they produce less cortisol, a chemical delivered when the body is under pressure. I hadn't forgotten that guy. I was thinking about him. I used to spend my free time with my friends at the university, but I was always thinking about him. Where would he be, what would he be doing, would he think of me or not? I was very restless because of my overthinking but my eyes kept searching for him. I wanted to tell my friends everything but I don’t know I felt a weird type of feeling. But I told them everything.

    After listening to me, the three of them were looking at me strangely and suddenly they started laughing at me. I was hurt by their laughter. I left them without saying a word and went to the library. After I left, he realized he didn't want to laugh. They all came into the library and sat with me. I was reading a newspaper they said sorry to me in a low voice I didn’t reply to them. I left them alone and went to the class. I didn’t want to talk with them.

    When the teacher came into the class, she saw that I was sitting in the class alone she asked me “where are your friends?” I replied to her “that they were in a library they will come later” she replied to me very politely “oh! Okay no problem”. After this they started the lecture with a new topic, the half lecture was passed but they did not come to the class. I thought that may- be they were in food street. The whole lecture was finished.

    All students left the class I was alone in the classroom and again I was thinking about that guy. I feel that I am in love with him but suddenly different kinds of thoughts were confused me. It was clear to my side that I love him. But I didn’t have any idea about the thoughts of him. I didn’t even know that he would be thinking of me or not. I came out from the class move forwarded to the café, but in the lobby, I called Noor from my phone. She picked my call “I asked her “where were they all”. She replied that “they all were in the lobby of “A” building”. I ended the call and move forwarded to the “A” building. When I reached the lobby, I saw them they all were sitting on the chairs and all were busy using a phone. I stood in front of them. They apologized to me Noor hugged me and they promised me that they will help me to find that guy.

    After listening to that I became very happy and emotional. All of us went home. When I was at home after dinner, I went to the bed to sleep, but at night when all my family members were sleeping and there was silence everywhere. As I closed my eyes, the boy's face appeared in front of me. I was lost in my imaginations. I created my own world. I felt and imagine him closed to me. I also felt that he was on my bed he hugged me tightly, kissed me on my forehead and he was moving fingers in my hairs very politely.

    I slept with these imaginations. I used to fall asleep thinking about these imaginations. By the passage of time, my love for him was getting more. At the point when we love somebody, we experience similar positive musings and encounters as when we like an individual. Yet, we additionally experience a profound feeling of care and responsibility towards that individual. Being "enamored" incorporates all the above mentioned yet in addition includes sensations of sexual excitement and fascination. Love is a feeling that keeps individuals fortified and focused on each other. From a developmental brain research point of view, love advanced to keep the guardians of youngsters together long enough for them to endure and arrive at sexual development.

    Next morning, I was getting ready for university suddenly Talha called me and said “we want to tell you something special come to University as fast as you can” he ended the call without listening to me. I went to University with my driver when I reached university they were standing at the gate. I asked them “What do you all want to say? Huraira replied, “we want to tell you about that guy, his name is Feroz.” 

    After listening to them, I felt that they were making fun of me again. But suddenly I saw that guy. I said to Huraira “call him by his name if he turned, then I will trust on you”. I was hiding behind the tree. Huraira called that guy by that same name and he turned and said “what is the matter boy” Huraira replied to him “nothing special bro it’s a kind of dare” he came forward to Huraira and said “how did you know my name” exact same question was in mind. Huraira replied, “one day I was in the lobby and a boy called your name very loudly so that’s how I know your name”.

    Feroz replied to him “oh okay!” nice to meet you” and after saying that he was gone from there. I came out and I had a big smile on my face I was very happy. They were also happy. Every day one of them told me new things about Feroz. I was confused about how they come to know everything about Feroz. Every-time when I asked them that how they came to know about him they all said “We let you know very soon”. The month of august was started this is also my birthday month. I didn’t even know that this month changed my life. My friends were started bunking the lecture. I didn’t know why they were bunking lectures.

    When I was talked with him about this, they changed the topic. They didn’t give me proper answers. With the passage of time, their routine was not changed, they keep on bunking the 1 or 2 lectures. I was talking about lecture because I got all the notes and given them to them after the lecture. One day I again asked them “why they were no taking classes” they replied to me “on the day of your birthday you know everything” I was shocked and confused.

    After this, I was more curious to know what they all were doing. I was waiting for my birthday desperately. The day had come. On 30th August when it was my birthday, Noor came to my house in a beautiful dress. I was very happy for her. She said to me “we all have planned a surprise for making your birthday more special.”  I thought that they arranged a birthday party for me. I was so excited. I changed my dress it was a long royal blue frock with a silver stone necklace.

    My family members were not at home. When I was ready for the birthday party. Noor and I went from the house to attend the birthday party. When we both were reached the party place. She covered my eyes with a piece of cloth. I didn’t see anything. As I move forward, I was feeling excited and happy. After a 10 min walk, she stopped and removed the cloth from my eyes. I was shocked to say that there was no one but the place was decorated beautifully, light music made the atmosphere romantic. There were petals of red roses spread everywhere. Yellow twinkling lights were looking beautiful on the pillars. In front of me, It was a beautifully decorated table with two chairs.

    After a couple of mins, I saw a guy who was standing there his backside was only visible to me. I was curious about that who is he? I was moving forward my heart was beating faster, I don’t know why but I had a different kind of feeling I can’t explain it in words. When I reached that guy, I said “hi! Who are you?” he didn’t give me an answer. I closed my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder and asked same again “who are you”? He holds my hand and turned around my eyes were still closed he said “open your eyes” my heart was beating faster I slowly opened my eyes and I looked at him. When I saw his face, I was shocked to saw him I felt that my heart was not beating faster. I didn’t believe in my eyes that he was Feroz.

    I felt that it was a dream. I was feeling a statue. I was staring at in his eyes. He hugged me and I was started crying. We hold each other tightly. While hugging my friends were shouting “surprise”. And they all were starting to sing the happy birthday song. I was still shocked about all this. My friends brought birthday cake, Feroz holds my hand and we both cut the cake. My friends were gone again from there. now only Feroz and I were alone there.

    We both sat on the chairs. I asked him one question only “what is happening here tell me”? He replied “I can understand your feelings. On the first day, I know about your feelings for me that you liked me. When you and your friends were in a library, I was also there. After you left them alone in library, I met with them I told them all story then he told me about his feelings for me.

    We made a plan that your friends tell you about my name about my-self and created suspense for you. And it was my wish to surprise you on your birthday and I have done it” I was listening to him I said to him “I didn’t expect this it was an amazing surprise” he replied “I have one more surprise for you” he stood up from his chair and he holds my hand and made me stand in front of him. I didn’t understand what he was trying to do? After that, he knees down and he took out the beautiful diamond ring behind his back and proposed “me will you marry me”?

    I didn’t know what to say? Suddenly I felt that somebody put a hand on my shoulder when I turned around my father and mother standing behind me with my friends. I was so happy to saw them and confused also my father said to me “say yes to him and accept his proposal” at that moment I was getting so emotional and said yes to him. My friends did this all for me they made my whole life happier. We got married and started a new life full of happiness.




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