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Bella lives in a small town of urban areas. She had four members in her family. Bella has One elder brother John, and she lives with her parents who belong to a middle-class family Bella's father loves John more than her. He always supported John. Bella loves her whole family a lot, but she sees a lot of criticism in her family. Bella's father was a strict person. Her father ordered her mother all the times which Bella did not like this act of her father.

When Bella grew up, she had seen a lot of restrictions around her. Her father does not allow Bella to play with boys even talk with boys. John also ordered Bella all the time. All these things give an awful impact on Bella's mind. Even her family members or relatives were not allowed to study. This situation internally hurts Bella. And slowly the love of family members was also gone in Bella's heart. She was very close to God. Always She was talking only about her God. She had never felt hopeless. She still hoped that one day I will release this environment. Because she always wanted independence, love, and care. She hated the stereotypical society.

One day Bella's elder brother john's marriage ceremony was going on. During the marriage ceremony, Bella meets a boy, Ariel. He was very handsome and well educated. Ariel saws Bella and in first eye contact, they fell in love with each other. Ariel belongs to a very soaring high class and independent family, but Bella belongs to a very conservative or stereotypical society where love marriage thinks nothing less than a big sin. Bella was despondent because she knows her father or John. Bella knows they do not agree with this marriage. Bella was in hidden contact with her lover Ariel. When she was talking with Ariel her father listens to all her talk. This act takes very much change in Bella's life.

After this Bella's father beat her and locked her in the room. Bella's father announced arranged marriage to be happening within a week with a guy who is known as a poor clerk (Prospero) of her daughter. Prospero was not from a well-educated and respected family as he was a drunken man. He had already changed his relationships with many girls. But Bella's father had no issue because this marriage was his own choice. Regarding Bella's father's choice, all the rituals for Bella's marriage had been started.

Bella was still locked in her room. She cries all the time and continuously talks with God. In this bad condition, she had still hope in her heart. 'On the other hand,'? Ariel was very much in tension because he had no contact with Bella for four days. From somewhere Ariel hears news that the marriage of Bella, he had also depressed. Ariel sends a proposal, but Bella's father rejected his proposal. 

When only two days left her mother open the door of the room and tell her all conditions and her marriage that was fixed with the poor clerk. After listening to this Bella was shocked and her eyes are filled with tears. Bella went to her room and again started talking with God. She seems still hopeful. Suddenly is nondescript, slows the action, and warns your reader, news came that of her father accident. Bella's father was injured badly. 'In the meantime, the Bella marriage was canceled for some days.

            Her father was unable to do anything. When Bella's father comes home back it seems that only Bella and his wife are standing. John did not care about her father's accident. And John left home after this. Bella's father sees that only Bella and her mother take care of him. Bella loves her family a lot she prayed her father's health to God. After seeing all the things, he realized that he loves his son but John had left him in this difficult time, and all his life he ordered her wife and daughter and those people supported them. He realized his mistake and it seems that Bella was very much quiet. Her smile was gone somewhere. Then, he talks to Bella's mother and says that I had no issue with Bella's love marriage. After hearing this Bella was ecstatic, she kissed her father's hand and started crying. After some days when her father was recovered Bella's marriage ceremony was done with Ariel. Bella was ecstatic and she thanked God. Bella never loses her hope and at last, she got all that she was wanted.

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