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She came from the second entrance door in the park. She was crying and I could see her fresh charming face with the pearl-like tear falling down her face from her eyes. In the street lights, she seemed more beautiful under that pale yellow light. She was running very fast. And suddenly, she fell down because of that high heel that just broke off from her left foot.

I suddenly left the broom on the ground and went to hold her. Before I could go to her, some random thing got to her as if it was flying in the air and had reached to catch her. I stood shocked and amazed and even a bit terrified of seeing it all. I could not guess what it was. Was it an angel? Was it a ghost? Or even was it any animal? I don’t know. It just gave me a chill down my spine and held myself back towards the pillar to get some support. I was almost dead.

In the same moment, that thing went away the way it arrived. The lady was saved from falling and now she was standing straight but confused. It seemed that she also did not know what had happened with her. I thought that I was the only one who was amazed to see the incident, but the one, it happened was also very much disordered.

However, in the next moment, she sat down on the bench near the street lamp and brought herself back to consciousness. But the tears didn’t stop and she again started to cry very badly. I didn’t know what I could do to help her, but I really wanted to be there for her in order to console her. I just kept on thinking about what I could do. Firstly, I thought of going near her just to prove that I was cleaning the ground and later on I thought I should simply go to her. But, my sixth sense was not allowing me to do so. Therefore, I just stood there like a pillar and could not even help myself in order to make me not think of her.

Somehow, I just gathered some courage in me to go to her by pretending to be cleaning the area around her. I took up my broom and started to advance towards her.

While I was slowly going to her, I again saw a strange figure that came near her and gave her a cellphone that she held in her hand and was asked to put it near her ear. Reluctantly, she got it up near her head and was shocked while she got it near her ear. It seemed as if she had heard a very familiar voice and again brought the cellphone on her ear with a position of taking a call.

When she put the cellphone on her ear, she smiled and eve she was crying. I could not guess what she could have heard or who could be on the call. And even it was strange to see how someone could just come to you and gave you a cellphone to attend a call. She kept on sitting there talking on that cellphone for a couple of minutes and then she left.

It made me curious and suspicious to see that people suffer things. I mean she was crying and running at one instance, but on the other, she was saved by a strange thing and then she was given a strange phone call. It could be someone she knew who gave her the cellphone, but why am I that worried? It cannot be any supernatural thing in today’s time. I’m silly. I should get to sleep because I have to get up early tomorrow to get to the park for work again before the people get there.

It was again a very busy day and I was so busy with my work that I did not notice the number of people who had entered the park or who had just left. And I did not even know-how of they had spoiled the plants and cut the flowers. At last, I got tired and it began to get dark around. I thought of winding up everything in order to leave. However, when I putting my things back in my bag, I saw the same lady again coming into the park with the same cellphone in her hand. She sat down on the same bench near the lamps and started to talk to someone on the phone and it again gave me chills down my spine. I was so terrified and I just moved out of it. 

Because today, she was smiling but yesterday she was crying. I just might be overthinking about it all. But when that thing that saved her from falling came to my mind, it again gave me chills. It was not something ordinary, I believe. It was a supernatural thing because it had some kind of light and a very queer speed. It could never be an ordinary human. I think that the girl was not a human too as she was saved by something strange. However, I ran towards the exit door and got home.

The next day, I saw the lady again at the same time and again she had that cellphone with her too. And now, I believed that she only came there to attend any queer phone call. I still wondered who would even call her that she could only attend in the park at the same time.

Similarly, the days passed and it was about a week that I had been seeing her with the same cellphone, and at the same time, on the same bench in the park. Now, I had the courage to go near her in order to check what she even talked about every day. I mean why she had been on the cellphone and with whom that all time.

Likewise, I just went near her and started to hear whatever she said. I did not mean to disclose any secrets she had and I even did not want to hurt her with whatever she was doing or she was trying to hide from everyone, the thing she was running from the very first day.

I went to her bench and she could not find it. She was very busy on the phone and seemed like she would never know who had come to her or who would get away from her. While I got there, she said in a slow and soft tone:

“No, I was devastated.” “Yeah, it almost killed me.” “I felt like I had lost you… and I would never talk to you ever again…” I was not shocked on hearing this. I could guess it was someone special for her. That might be her lover, but what was that strange thing?

However, she suddenly said” “Ohh! Mine! It was you?? I could never guess it” “Yeah? I thought it was some random person” “Hmmm… I thought I would be able to see your dead body. So, I just ran to this park near that hospital.” “I really did not know how I could let your soul go away while I was devastated by your death.” “I literally thought that I had lost you completely.”

“Can’t you just come back for a while again like that? Because I miss your face baby.” “You did? It was you who gave me this cellphone!” “I couldn’t find that either. Now, do that again please.”
“I would wish God to return you back to me or take me to you to that beautiful place that you talk about is ‘heaven’. It seems beautiful by the way you describe it. I would want to live there with you. And there would be no one who would separate us like my parents did in this world.”

After I had heard her last words; “Baby, you are dead for the world but not me. And I hate it that you only come to the call when the sun goes down. And you disappear when it comes out.” I had so hard again and this time, I forgot what I had to take back home with me or what I had to leave there. I just ran out of that park and I never went there because what I had heard there was terrifying and it could kill a feeble creature like me.

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